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5 Things Dermatologists Say Are A No-No

5 Things Dermatologists Say Are A No-No

Facials and treatments can be expensive, and with at-home DIY options on the market, it’s no wonder why some women would opt for the quick and less expensive route.

Chemical peels, microneedle rollers, and dermaplaining tools all have an at-home version women can purchase and administer themselves.

But is it a safe?

Not all products are worth trying, according to In a recent interview with a North Carolina dermatologist, some products are not safe for at-home use, and others are a waste of money.

At-home chemical peels are a huge no-no, according to Angela Lamb, a dermatologist at The Mount Sinai Hospital. Knowing the right peel and strength for one’s skin cannot be determined without being seen by a licensed aesthetician or dermatologist.

At-home chemical peels can cause excessive redness, burns, scarring, allergic reactions and discoloration if done incorrectly. Save your face and only have these done at a doctor’s office.

Loofahs and facial sponges can be too abrasive and harsh for the delicate facial skin. These sponges also harbor bacteria which can make acne and eczema worse. Never use these tools on the face. Instead, opt for something like a Clarisonic face brush which is specifically developed to clean the face.

Speaking of things too abrasive for the facial skin, never use a facial scrub that is too abrasive. The scrub can also cause irritation and hyperpigmentation to the skin. Always make sure to follow the directions on the bottle and never over scrub the face. Over scrubbing can make skin issues like acne worse.

One big product to recently hit the beauty market are moisturizers with collagen. However, according to dermatologists, collagen molecules are too big to penetrate the skin. In reality, buyers are just overpaying for a very expensive facial cream.

At-home microneedling devices are another tool that has gained a lot of popularity and positive feedback. But this little roller with thousands of microneedles should only be done by a licensed professional. If used incorrectly, microneedling devices can cause permanent damage to the skin. Worse, if the roller itself is not properly disinfected users run the risk of causing an infection.

Although DIY methods and at-home tools sound great, remember there are some devices and methods that are best left to the professionals. Save your face and see a dermatologist before trying anything at home.

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