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Preparing for a TV Debut: The Outfit

Now that your hair and make-up are styled impeccably and you look like you’re ready for the taping, you need to get dressed. Simple right? Just throw on a nice looking top and skirt and you feel like you are ready to go, but unfortunately it isn’t that simple.

One basic rule is no green! Even if you are 99% sure you will be nowhere near a green screen, you never know if you may walk in front of one for the segment or it may be added to your set last minute, so it is better to just stay away from that color in order to not be known at the floating head on television. Another color to avoid is white. When they are prepping for the shots they will to a white test to set the colors right and this can sometimes make the white almost glow on TV, which is probably something you want to avoid.

I also recommend avoiding patterns that have extremely intricate details. These can look like they are almost moving when in front of the camera, and unless you are talking about optical illusions, this probably isn’t what you are looking for. Vibrant patterns also seem to be a little too much for the camera, so unless you are an avant-garde fashion designer, polka-dots and bold strips should be avoided.

A great color palette for TV is often the basic, more muted pastel colors. Think of a creamy pink and navy ensemble. These are simple yet professional, so the viewers will note that you are dressed nicely, but that won’t be the only thing that they take away from the segment.

Aside from the colors that you choose to wear, the styles are equally important! From a general viewpoint, it doesn’t matter if you wear a dress, slacks or a skirt, you just need to wear something that you are comfortable in.

If you opt for slacks may sure that they are steamed and appropriately hemmed, as nothing is more embarrassing than excess material being bunched at the floor while you are sitting for an interview. The inseam is also important as you don’t want the pants to pull anywhere or be uncomfortable and make you squirm.

The blouse for a skirt or slacks should always be tucked in. This is a more professional look and it is right on trend right now. Silks look great on TV and tuck in nicely. Try to keep the blouse simple, a few details around the neckline are okay, but anything more can seem hectic, so it is better to wear solids. Remember that you are on TV, so wearing thing straps is most likely not the best idea, opt for something that doesn’t reveal too much of your chest and that also either has thick straps or covers your shoulders.

If you do have your mind set on wearing a blouse that is a little too revealing, a cardigan or blazer can almost always be added to any look. This can also be a way to add some of your own personality to the look by maybe choosing a more boldly colored blazer or by throwing on a cardigan with some sort of embellishment on it.

Regarding the length of your skirt or dress, there is one major rule to stick by: get fully dress and walk around for a few moments to let your outfit settle. Then relax with your arms straight down and see where they hit along the skirts. If your finger tips are longer than the hemline, then it is entirely too short. Optimally, you should have roughly 1/2 left over of material for the length to be appropriate. This is important because if your segment includes you sitting down, you want to make sure the skirt or dress is long enough for you to not have to readjust yourself multiple times throughout the interview.

Another thing to keep in mind is your choice of shoes. I recommend keeping them neutral and simple, so you have a polished look without being too over the top. Bold colors are fine if your outfit is simple, but too much color doesn’t come off well on TV. I like a wedge as well to give you some height but without being too uncomfortable. Make sure the height isn’t more than four inches, and also keep in mind that you may be standing or moving around so make sure you are extremely comfortable in them.

Even if these guidelines feel a little too uptight, it is always good to remember that you would rather be overdressed to an event than under, and those same rules apply to this. Don’t forget though, you can always add some fun pops of color to your outfit with jewelry and accessories. Demure headbands with crystals, thin leather belts, lavish necklaces, bracelets and earrings can all be added to your outfit – just remember that you don’t necessarily need all of them to go into one look. Maybe opt for simple diamond studs for earrings, a bold necklace and a few bangles on your wrist – this is still fun but it is not too much to distract the viewer.

As a final note, remember that simple chic is always better than trying to combine everything into one look. And when all else fails, watch a few segments from the TV show before you go on and pull some inspiration from the looks others wear on the show. Oh and of course, have fun!

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