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Kay McDonald: Thriving at 55

Do you make it a point to THRIVE in your life?

Kay McDonald does. Along with the two other founders of Thrive @ 55, Susan Brooks and Rena Huber, these three women THRIVE every day.







THRIVE @ 55 is not just an organization for women, but a mindset. McDonald relates that when she hit 55 she was going through a few “major transitions.” When she and her friends got together, she realized that it was not just her struggle, but many other women were going through the same thing at that point in their lives. And thus, THRIVE @ 55 was born. Instead of falling victim to the circumstances of aging, Thrive helps women embrace the gift of getting through their middle age.

The logo of THRIVE @ 55 is a sunflower. McDonald explains that a sunflower has 55 rows of seeds, and eventually “drops all the seeds and gets reborn.” This sunflower symbolism is not just a pretty sentiment, McDonald, Brooks, and Huber agree that once they turned 55, they did need to be born again…as new and improved women living the lifestyle they deserved!

THRIVE@ 55 currently has members ages 42-92 and plans on expanding their organization as time goes on. The organization provides resources for their members, which occasionally includes other members! McDonald related that some of the younger members receive valuable insight and wisdom from the older members and everyone is there to support each other and learn to THRIVE with friends.

From conferences, gatherings, blogging, events, and in the near future, McDonald relates, charms and jewelry products will be added to the long list of what THRIVE members get to take advantage of. You can even become a “Featured Thriver” and tell your specific story on what helps drive you to THRIVE on their site.

Their next conference will be on May 5, 2014, so don’t hesitate to sign up!

Information on membership can be found on the THRIVE @ 55 website.




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