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Thrilling Podcasts For October

Thrilling Podcasts For October

It’s October, which means Halloween is around the corner! To help liven up your podcast library here are a few spooky and thrilling podcasts to listen to.

But have no fear, these aren’t just great for October. These true crime podcasts make a great addition to any library for any time of the year.

Up and Vanished

Easily my favorite podcast to date, Payne Lindsey is not only an incredible story teller but he’s also a great investigator. With a background in documentary and film production, Lindsey set out to embark on the podcast journey by looking up some of the most infamous cold cases and picking one to investigate. He ended up looking into the disappearance of school teacher Tara Grinstead, who’s case file is the largest in Georgia history. The captivating and haunting investigation will leave your jaw dropping to the floor as a new turn of events helps to uncover answers.


If you love learning about the mafia then this is the podcast for you! Created by the HBO contributors for The Jinx, Marc Smerling and Zac Stuart-Pontier host the podcast which looks into Providence, Rhode Island, during Buddy Cianci’s time as the mayor. Dealings with the mob and bonafide mob boss Joseph Bevilacqua, Sr. are just some of the stories you get to hear during Providence’s golden years.


For those who are anything but new to podcasts you might have already listened to and loved this one. Hosted by Sarah Koenig, this incredible podcast looks into the conviction of Adnan Syed for the murder of his then girlfriend Hae Min Lee. Through investigations and interviews, Koenig aims to explore whether or not Syed was wrongly accused of Lee’s murder. New players emerge, questions of evidentiary support arise, and a important witness overlooked by an attorney cause question if the right person was convicted after all.

Someone Knows Something

A CBC Radio podcast, SKS spends each season looking into the disappearance of an individual hoping to bring attention to a missing person’s case and solve it. The first season focused on five year old Adrien McNaughton, who went missing on a family fishing trip in Canada in 1972. Through new technology and investigative methods, host David Ridgen helps to bring new information forward to hopefully solve each missing person’s case.

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