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Five Tips to Disconnect and Recharge During the Holidays

Domestic life. Relaxed young lady is studying, lying on the cozy beige couch in living room at home, so nice modern interior, so comfortable atmosphere for study and work (Domestic life. Relaxed young lady is studying, lying on the cozy beige couch in

Five Tips to Disconnect and Recharge During the Holidays

The holidays are a time to celebrate and spend time with those closest to you. Unfortunately, they’re also some of the most stressful weeks of the year for many of us. This year, make the best of the festive season by taking the time to recharge and start the year strong.

Whether you’re stressed at work or overwhelmed by everything you have to do at home, there are several things you can do to ensure you’re making the best out of the most wonderful time of the year. Below are five tips to disconnect and recharge during the holidays.

Finish pending assignments

It’s hard to relax when you’re constantly thinking about all of the tasks waiting for your attention. This holiday season, find the focus to power through your assignments and cross them off your to-do list. When you finish your pending assignments, you’re less likely to feel the need to be available for work, making it easier to disconnect and recharge.  

Take time off

One of the best ways to recharge during the holiday season is to take intentional time off. This means that more time than the usual holiday time off offered by your company (if that’s a benefit). You’ve worked hard for your paid time off, and there’s no better time in the year to use it.

Commit to unplugging

If you’re serious about disconnecting and recharging during the holidays, then this tip is critical for you. With technology so readily available, many of us spend our downtime scrolling through our newsfeed, social media, or email. This season, commit to unplugging by setting screen time limits. This way, you’ll be less consumed by your screen and more present by the things that matter, like spending time with loved ones.

Set realistic expectations

Setting realistic expectations is essential when planning your holiday downtime. If you’re not good at lying down and doing nothing all day, then you should probably not expect your time to look like that. Likewise, if you’re hosting your family from out of town, you shouldn’t expect to have much alone time during this time. Plan your time accordingly and make a plan that suits you and your unique situation.

Do things you enjoy

One of the best (and easiest) ways to disconnect and recharge during the holidays is prioritizing doing things you enjoy. If you love reading, purchase your favorite book in advance, set up a cozy reading nook, and block out time to read. If you love going on hikes, make this activity a priority during this busy season. Spending time doing things you enjoy will help you decompress from your busy life and allow you to recharge as you plan for the next year.  

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