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Confessions of a Girl that Never Sleeps: Happy New Years

It’s the New Year. This is usually the time that I look back on what I want my New Year’s Resolutions to be [I very much believe in setting goals] and thinking about the previous year. Now, I don’t think you should be negative towards your past year. It’s over and done with. But it has to be beneficial to repeat all the good things and avoid the bad.

Well, this 2010 was [so far] the best I’ve ever had, with 2009 coming in a close second. I graduated from Arizona State University in May with a bachelor degree in print journalism. I went on a month long vacation, visiting Chicago, New York City and Boston. Two days after my return, I left behind all my friends, family and the man I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life with to live out my life long dream and move to New York City.

People told me that I was brave. I won’t lie to you, dear reader, I was scared out of my mind. What kind of person just leaves everything they know to do something they only dreamed about? Well, it looks like I’m that type of girl. And it was the best decision I’ve ever made [besides chopping off all my hair; why I didn’t do that sooner, the World will never know].

But it was the small moments that made this year magical. The greatest night of my life at the Muse concert and all the happiness that followed. Living with two amazing ladies; they are my lifers. Going to four of the most beautiful weddings. Watching the Fourth of July fireworks from a yacht on Lake Michigan. Ice skating for the first time on an outside rink. Karaoke nights. Theater. First kisses. Old friends visiting. New Friends. New best friends. Snow. Cookies. Laughs.

2011. I don’t think it realizes everything it has to live up to. I dare it to be as awesome. Truthfully, though, I think it’s just going to get better.

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