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Time Magazine’s Cover Says It All, No Words Needed

Time Magazine’s Cover Says It All, No Words Needed

If a picture is worth a thousand words, Time magazine has a lot to say about the current political climate.

In the wake of Trump revealing highly classified information regarding intelligence on the Islamic State to the Russian foreign minister and ambassador, opinions on where his presidency goes from here and the outcome remains uncertain.

But Time magazine has an idea, and it’s depicted on their May cover.

The cover is the first in over a decade not to have a coverline, according to Time, and depicts the White House slowly being taken over by Moscow’s St. Basil’s Cathedral.

The cover comes at a time where Trump’s full involvement with Russia is being questioned now more than ever before, especially after FBI Director James Comey’s firing.

Comey was looking to expand his investigation into the Trump administration’s ties with Russia.

With opinions on the country’s politics currently a-blaze, Time’s choice to release a slightly controversial, yet currently relevant, cover is being met with various viewpoints.

After the unfolding events of the last week, some believe Trump is piling on more reasons to call for his impeachment. Democratic Rep. Al Green called for it on Wednesday, saying the House of Representatives must bring charges against the president.

Abuse of power, obstruction of justice, conflicts of interest, and his ties with Russia all stand as possible reasons why Trump could face impeachment.

Some say it’s too soon to start talking impeachment, others believe Trump has already dug his hole.

The Time magazine, with what some are calling a historic cover, hits the newsstands May 29.



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