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The Cat Lady- Embracing My Life With Veda

I am 24 years old, and I am proud to be a cat lady. I have always been a dog person ever since I was a small child, but a year ago I rescued my cat, Veda. I was Vedahesitant to get a pet because of my schedule. I work all of the time, and I am a full-time student at Northern Arizona University.

For those of you who feel you do not do well with responsibility, I would say do not own a pet. However, if you are like me and live alone but would like to have someone or something to come home to, then get a cat! My cat Veda is very much independent and low maintenance. I spoil her though because she is my baby! I have a beautiful cat tree for her and probably have close to 30 toys for her which of course she never plays with because she is more concerned with pens and grocery bags.

I feel as though Veda likes to have her alone time just as much as I do. As stated previously, I work and go to school, but when I have a random day off, Veda clearly is antsy. She gives me this look that to me says, “can you leave now Mom?” Veda has brought so much joy to my life and on days where I truly do not want to get out of bed, she will meow and knead me till I finally wake up. It is oddly liberating to have a beautiful animal that is yours and that you get to take care of.

I never thought I would have a cat. However, in my defense Veda thinks of herself as a dog most of the time. So, if you want an animal companion that can handle your work hours, and cuddle with you when you get home… Adopt a kitty! I personally got an older cat because I did not want to have to train a kitten, especially with my work schedule. They will quickly become your best friend and love of your life! Enjoy and take care of your furry pals!

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