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How Americans Follow Election Coverage

Social mediaAs November approaches, news about the presidential candidates continues to circulate across every media outlet imaginable.

Social media, news channels and even talk radio have all been trusted sources when it comes to learning about daily election coverage.

But how Americans are getting their information is split between two platforms, one that is old school and one that is new age.

Pew Research Center conducted a survey among adults ages 18 to 65 years and older to see how the American population was getting their news on the election.

The survey was a week long, and followed 11 different types of sources.

Surprisingly, 24 percent of surveyed Americans said they see cable news sources as their most trusted platform for election coverage.

Not surprisingly, social media came in second place, 14 precent of American adults learned about that week’s election coverage through various sites.

Within the breakdown, ages were looked at to see if certain age groups trusted one source over the other.

Those ages 18 to 29-years-old said their primary source of election coverage comes from social media, with news apps coming in second place.

The next three age groups, spanning from 30 to 65-years-old and older, all agreed that cable networks were their go-to source for weekly election coverage.

News apps or local channels came in second place.

The survey further showed that Millennials turn to social media sites as their main source for news.

Sixty-one percent of Millennials said they use Facebook to get political news coverage for any given week, according to the Pew Research Center. 

However, most Americans reported to use more than one source when getting their news.

Forty-five percent said they used five or more sources to learn about the election in the past week in which the survey was conducted.

As news sources change and social media continues to take over, how Americans are receiving their news, and what sources they trust, continues to evolve.

Despite what sources are used, engagement among all generations to learn about this years election is widespread thanks to the massive amounts of platforms accessible.

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