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Hundreds of Voters Place Their “I Voted” Sticker on Susan B. Anthony’s Headstone

Today is a historical day for the U.S. For the first time a woman could be named president.

And voters want the icon who made it possible for women to vote know they voted in Tuesday’s election.

At the Mount Hope Cemetery in Rochester, New York, women are lining up at Susan B. Anthony’s gravesite to place their “I Voted” sticker on her headstone.

It seems fitting that the former senator from New York is running for president, and could be going down in history herself.

So much so that Rochester’s mayor is allowing the cemetery to stay open until the polls close, according to New York magazine The Cut.

Around 300 hundred people, mostly women and girls, have come to pay their respects at Anthony’s gravesite, according to USA Today.

Voters and various news outlets even took to Twitter to show the amazing site as hundreds began lining up after placing their vote.

Sarah Maslin Nir, reporter for the New York Times, showed in a video the massive line of people patiently waiting.

The Daily Mail shows the numerous “I Voted” stickers placed on Anthony’s headstone, along with other tokens of appreciation adorning her gravesite.

Anthony protested during the late 1800s for women to have the right to vote. It wasn’t until 1920 did the Susan B. Anthony Amendment (19th Amendment) pass, allowing women the right to cast their ballots.

Anthony died in 1906 at the age of 86 yet her legacy and activism lives on.

Perhaps today, during this historical election, is the best day to remind ourselves just how far we have come.

And it’s women like Susan B. Anthony and their spirit that continue to push us forward.






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