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Simple Tricks to Improve Your Relationship with Money

Young woman smiling putting a coin inside piggy bank as savings for investment

Simple Tricks to Improve Your Relationship with Money

When it comes to achieving financial independence, nothing is as vital as your mindset. That’s because, unlike the stock market, the economy, or your family’s financial history, your mindset is the one thing you have full control over. Your mindset can drive your daily financial decisions, which, in the long run, can determine whether you thrive or fail.

Your trying past shouldn’t hold you back from a prosperous future. Below are four simple tricks to improve your relationship with money.

Understand your spending habits

For too long, I lived by the ‘ignorance is bliss’ mindset. It was especially true when it came to my financial well-being. While ignoring my finances was bearable for a while, it eventually caught up to me, leaving me with no choice but to face my fears and get honest about my spending habits. Taking the time to understand my spending habits allowed me to recognize where I was struggling and make a plan for how to improve the situation.

Schedule regular check-ins

A few years ago, my husband and I began having regular “money dates”. To keep ourselves accountable and on track, we blocked time once a week to review the past week’s spending, analyze upcoming charges, and check in on our financial goals. Money dates help me understand where my money is going and encourages me to make necessary changes to get to where I want to go.

Challenge your core beliefs

According to, core beliefs are our most deeply held assumptions about ourselves, the world, and others. Core beliefs can profoundly impact our relationship with money because they guide our thoughts, decision-making process, and actions. If you believe you are not worthy of having money, you likely will never get there. However, if you believe money is energy and abundant, you are more likely to make it a reality.

Create meaningful goals

As someone who has struggled with limiting money beliefs her entire adult life, I can tell you that one of the best things I’ve ever done to improve my relationship with money is to set meaningful goals. I emphasize meaningful because a general goal like save $10,000 will never be as motivating as save $10,000 to fund a family vacation to Walt Disney World to celebrate daughter’s 10th birthday.

A goal that aligns with your values and passions will always be more effective than a goal you set just because it feels right.

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