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Strategies for Success with Business Coach Ali Brown

Strategies for Success with Business Coach Ali Brown

Entrepreneurship is one of the most glamorized career paths in recent years. When you think of entrepreneurship, you often think of freedom, flexibility, and millions in revenue. Unfortunately, the majority of individuals who start businesses will never reach that level of success.

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As one of the most recognized entrepreneur coaches in the world, Ali Brown has made a name for herself by helping others grow. She understands the grit, perseverance, and passion it takes to grow a business from the ground up and enjoying life as you do it.

Today, with over 20 years’ experience as an entrepreneur herself, Ali continues to use her skills, strengths, and strategies to help entrepreneurs reach a new level of success. She works with high-performing entrepreneurs to increase revenues, build brands, and create lucrative programs.

I had the honor to have an intimate conversation with Ali to talk about what it takes to build a successful business and life. She shared some tips and strategies for reaching success and fulfillment.

Maintain an abundance mindset

Too often, we’re surrounded by information based on fear and scarcity. While staying informed is crucial to daily life, it’s also important to remember that we have control over how much we choose to consume. Take in the facts and don’t let it absorb your whole day.

“Continually stay in the abundance mindset. Now more than ever, it’s critical that you get yourself in a good place and make good decisions.”

For Ali, not being in the right mindset can set you and your business backward. Maintaining an abundance mindset when it comes to money, work, and opportunities can help you fully take advantage of what’s around you.

Profit from your passion

As entrepreneurship and business continue to be leading choices when it comes to career paths, we often hear the terms passion and profit being used interchangeably. While Ali believes you can profit from your passion, she also understands it takes some out of the box thinking.

Sometimes your passion won’t directly become your business venture, but it can be something adjacent to it. It might look different than what you originally imagined, but it can still lead to fulfillment.

“It’s OK to want something different. It’s OK to want something more. It’s called evolution.”

If you’re currently feeling restless, burnt out, or uninspired, dig into your passion and see what you can make of it. There might just be a business idea waiting to be developed.

Let go of false metrics

As we grow in our professional lives, we often rely on false metrics to quantify our success. According to Ali, these are the metrics we judge our success on unconsciously. Whether it’s social media followers, newsletter subscribers, or any other medium, we rely on these numbers to evaluate our worth.

Unfortunately, these numbers don’t mean anything if you’re unhappy and unfulfilled. Let go of those metrics and take that scary leap you’ve been urging to take. Stand up for what you believe in and let go of the misunderstanding that these metrics will ever bring you joy.

“What are the metrics you’ve been judging your success on that you’re ready to let go of?”

Clarity grows confidence

There’s great power in knowing what you want. For some, clarity comes early in life. For others, clarity comes from experience, mistakes, and the lessons that come with both. If you’re currently lacking confidence and are looking for a way to boost your self-esteem, you might benefit from digging deep inside.

“There’s a power to getting older and getting very clear on what you are interested in.”

Try things on

If you feel uninspired, unfulfilled, or unclear about which direction you’re headed in life, it might be because of your lack of engagement. From a young age, Ali jumped into anything she could get her hands on. She juggled her full-time job in publishing with a side hustle as a step aerobics instructor and making extra money selling vitamins.

“We think we have to make these huge decisions that are going to stay with us for the rest of our lives. We don’t. Try things on.”

Amidst the uncertainty of our times, it’s important to remember that a lot can change in a short time. When you try new things, you become more agile and adaptable. This can lead you to happiness, money, and success.

For Ali, success looks different depending on what season of life she’s on. As a mom, being available for her husband and kids is essential. As a business owner, embracing her creativity and skills allow her to find fulfillment every day. Her most recent venture combines her passion for entrepreneurship and education. Glambition Radio with Ali Brown has become the leading podcast for women entrepreneurs.

To learn more about Ali Brown, her podcast, or upcoming events, visit

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