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vampirefaceliftfeatureAging is fun – just not the physical side of it! One of the first signs of aging in women is in our hands. Maybe this bothers you… maybe it doesn’t. Regardless, when you’re done with this article your will have all the necessary tips to rejuvenate your hands.

1 – Radiesse for Skeletal Hands

One of the reasons hands start looking skeletal is the loss of volume. Not only do our hands lose collagen as we age, which is responsible for plumping our skin, but also elastin which makes our skin crepey and accentuates the look.

Radiesse is a stimulatory dermal filler that has been FDA approved for hand augmentation. Stimulatory means that, not only does the filler temporarily add dimension, it also stimulates your skin to produce more collagen for the long term.

This treatment lasts up to 18 months; when used on the face, but for hand augmentation it is only guaranteed to stay for three.

The cost depends on how much filler you need. One syringe runs $500 to $550.

2 – Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) for Age Spots

The second leading indication of aging hands are dark spots. Sometimes they are called age spots but, it could also be a skin condition called melasma; or groups of tiny capillaries grouped together causing a dark hue in places. If hyper-pigmentation is your main issue,  you should seriously consider Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) treatment.

IPL is the gold standard for dark spots everywhere on your body – including your hands. IPL is sometimes referred to as a fotofacial or photofacial and involves the use of short blasts of high-intensity light to damage the dark spots of your skin.

First your spots will get darker, then within a couple of weeks, they will fall off leaving your hands more youthful looking; and BONUS – IPL also shrinks capillaries. Some will disappear immediately and others will get darker and fall off.

The treatment lasts for as long as you can keep your hands sun protected and as you form new age spots you can get little touch ups. I go to Glenn at Skin Aesthetica in Scottsdale for spots and melasma on my face and décolletage. He’s the best!

The price depends on the severity for your spots but I can tell you that the worst case scenario will run you about $250. You can see some before and after shots at This Intense Pulsed Light treatment works ladies!

3 – Sclerotherapy for Ropy Hands

Hands start to look ropy when large veins start popping up. I’m talking about those ones with texture that you can push back and forth. Luckily, there’s a way to get rid of those too!

It’s called Sclerotherapy. Sclerotherapy is a procedure where a mixture of sodium chloride and lidocaine is injected directly into the vein causing it to swell and then collapse. There’s no downtime for this procedure and treatments can run anywhere from $300 to $550 depending on how many veins you have.

So, no more “old lady hands” pretty girls! Rejuvenate your hands and became your most confident you!


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