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Innovations in the Beauty Industry- Why Finding a Qualified Aesthetician is More Important than You Think

With the beauty industry changing and evolving right before our eyes, it isn’t surprising that there have been a handful of new technologies invented to help make those beauty routines simpler and more effective than ever before. WomanGettingLaserTreatmentIt also adds to the growing demand for well trained and qualified aestheticians to implement these new technologies safely.

We all know that innovative instruments such as lasers are an effective way to reach many of our beauty goals. Whether it is hair reduction, skin tightening or even tattoo removal, laser treatment has become one of the most popular services clients opt for.

With the demand growing for the newest and greatest solutions for skin health care, there are some things that clients need to pay close attention to when looking for the right aesthetician to trust. A client should not have to sacrifice his or her safety to reach their beauty goals.

Safety comes first. The state of Arizona took it into its own hands to make sure that the beauty industry is as safe as possible. Arizona was the first state to enact regulation to require state level certification for the user of new instruments and devices. The IMAj Institute in Scottsdale makes sure that its aestheticians have the right qualifications to perform certain procedures with specific instruments.

Keeping the client’s safety in mind is one of IMAj’s top priorities. While they understand that the demand for new instruments and procedures is high, they make sure that the aestheticians are well trained and educated before being handed such powerful instruments.

Education is key. Like almost any field of work, the beauty industry encourages continuing education to keep up with all the growths of the industry. Unfortunately, not all beauty schools achieve and maintain the same levels of accreditation and endorsements. One of the many great things that IMAj has to offer is that they are not only one of the most respected med spas in the valley, but they also offer quality education at the IMAj Institute, the nation’s only Esthetics School with a specific focus on medical aesthetics training. At IMAj, students are given all the instruments and resources to help them become successful aestheticians.

IMAj institute wants to go beyond just the “piece of paper”. Besides simply handing out a certificate after training, IMAj Institute wants to make sure that its students walk away with quality education and the right tools to guide each one of them through their career path.

Reputation is everything. Like searching for a good restaurant, a new pair of shoes, or even the next movie to go watch, reviews are everything. The reputation of a product or service guides us along a path that would encourage us to give it a try.

At IMAj, a lot of clients and students are referrals by happy customers that walked away feeling satisfied. IMAj understands the importance of reputation, and that is why they treat every single customer with respect, and perform every service with joy and passion.

Ask yourself three questions… Is my aesthetician safe? Is my aesthetician educated and qualified? And lastly, does my aesthetician have a good reputation? While the state sets requirements and standards for aestheticians, as a spa guest you should be confident that your aesthetician is properly certified with the state and meets all of your expectations.

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