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10 Tips to Successfully Spring Clean Your Home

10 Tips to Successfully Spring Clean Your Home

It’s hard to believe spring is just around the corner. We survived the hectic holiday season, rang in the New Year, and now, are faced with closets that need to be decluttered, walls that need to be cleaned, and rooms that need reorganizing.

There’s no better time to deep clean and declutter your home than while welcoming the warmer temperature of spring. Below are 10 tips to successfully spring clean your home.

Set clear priorities

Before you begin to gather all your cleaning supplies and rally your family for the big undertaking, it’s important to set clear priorities. Ask yourself what you want to accomplish, in what timeframe, and what success looks like at the end of the day. This is a great time to list what spaces and rooms are at the top of your list, just in case you don’t get to everything, you’re less likely to end up disappointed.

Block your calendar

Once you’ve set your priorities, it’s time to block out the time to get things done. Depending on your list of tasks, you can end up blocking anything from four hours to four days to get everything done. By blocking time in your calendar, you’re less likely to overcommit yourself and more likely to go through with your spring-cleaning assignments.

Enlist some help

Only you know what you can and can’t accomplish within your timeline. By asking for help, you take the burden off yourself and divide the responsibilities among your trusted party. Whether you ask for help from your partner and kids or enlist the help of a professional cleaner, remember to keep your priorities top of mind to ensure a successful cleaning project.

Stock up on cleaning supplies

There’s nothing worst than being in a cleaning groove only to run out of disinfecting spray halfway through your undertaking. A day or two before your scheduled cleaning day, take a trip to your favorite store and stock up on your favorite cleaning essentials.

Don’t forget protective gear

While you’re stocking up on all the cleaning essentials, don’t forget to grab a few pairs of latex gloves to protect your hands from all the harsh chemicals. Depending on your sensitivity and what chemicals you use, you might also want to invest in some disposable masks. Although you might already have those laying around from the last two years.

Focus on one room at a time

While deep cleaning, it can be tempting to jump from one room to another to tackle the next big thing. Avoid doing that. By jumping from one room to the next, you’re less likely to finish a room, leaving you feeling unproductive and without an end in sight. Instead, focus on your list of priorities and tackle one room at a time.

Get rid of what no longer serves you

While you’re going through the endless piles of stuff you’ve accumulated over the year, remember to make a pile of things you no longer use or have a purpose for. If you haven’t used such a thing in the last year, you’re likely not going to use it soon.

Make a list of things you need

One of the best parts of getting rid of things you don’t need is getting enlightened to better understand what it is that you do need. If you got rid of most of your dining ware because many pieces were broken or damaged, it might be time for a new set. Add these items to your list and invest in restocking the essentials around your home.

Dump and donate unused items

As you’re going through the things that no longer serve you, it can be helpful to keep separate piles of items. I like to name these keep, dump, donate. By doing this, you’ll be able to easily distinguish what you’re keeping and what you’re getting rid of. Remember, if something still has life in it, don’t dump it. Donate it and give the item a new home.

Create a maintenance plan

So, you’ve successfully spring-cleaned your home. Now what? Now, you make a maintenance plan to ensure your home stays neat and organized. Talk to your family about what the expectations are to keep things tidy. Schedule regular cleaning days to avoid big undertakings and, instead, tackle things in small tasks.

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