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Why I’m Buying Christmas Presents Now – And You Should Be Too

Why I’m Buying Christmas Presents Now – And You Should Be Too

While Christmas is still months away, holiday shopping is already on my to-do list.Graphic stock

As a mom to a 6-year-old girl, I’m constantly learning and adapting to routines and habits. For years, I’ve been that mom at the self-checkout buying last minute gifts, wrapping paper, and décor. This year, I’ve decided to beat the crowds and get my holiday shopping done before everyone else.

There are countless benefits to shopping for Christmas presents early. Below are some of the reasons why I’m getting it all out of the way now.

Avoid the lines (and high demand)

If you’re planning on shopping weeks before Christmas day, so is the rest of your town. This leads to crowded stores, long lines, and sold out items. If you have your eye on something and plan to gift it, why not buy it now?

Save money

Have you ever walked into a Target for shampoo and walked out with wine, new shoes, and a new patio set you didn’t need? We all have. While impulse shopping can happen year around, it’s even more costly during the holidays. We buy unnecessary gifts that we didn’t plan or budget for. By purchasing your gifts in advance, you avoid last minute shopping that ends up in hundreds of dollars’ worth of unnecessary things.

Get it out of the way

Doing your holiday shopping early doesn’t just save your time and money in the future, but it saves your energy now. By taking your to-do list out of your mind and acting on it, you release the stress, worry, and pressure of last-minute shopping. Instead, save all that energy to enjoy time with friends, family, and loved ones.

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