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Simple Tricks to Maximize the Space in Your Closet

Simple Tricks to Maximize the Space in Your Closet

Growing up, I often fantasized about purchasing a home with more rooms and space than I would ever need. I blame unrealistic reality shows, impractical movie storylines, and unhealthy social media standards created by influencers and celebrities. With time and maturity, I realized that bigger isn’t always better, especially when it comes to spaces in our homes.

I live in a 1,300-square-foot house with my husband and daughter and make the best out of every inch of this space. No, we don’t have boutique-sized closets, a walk-in pantry, or a massive laundry room, but we don’t need it. You don’t need it either. Maximizing your space has less to do with the square footage and more to do with your organization techniques and intentional approach.

You don’t need a large walk-in closet to create a chic and organized space. Below are a few simple tricks to maximize the space in your closet.

Measure and inventory

The secret to a neat and organized space is having the proper amount of inventory to store in it. It’s no secret that if you have too much stuff, you’ll end up outgrowing any space, no matter how big. Take the time to measure your closet, remove all your belongings from it, and take inventory of what you own. Take time to declutter and donate what you no longer need or use.

Once you have accurate measurements and a tally of your belongings, come up with a creative solution for storing and organizing those pieces. I love keeping my items in similar categories, including dresses, pants, sweaters, etc.

Go high (and low)

If you’re still using the closet solution that came with the space when you first arrived, you’re likely not maximizing the area. Even a reach-in closet can feel like a spacious sanctuary when intentional with item placement. Consider adding a top shelf where you can place baskets and store your less-frequently used items. A shoe organizer can keep your shoes organized and out of the way.

Leverage the door

The back of the door is one of the most commonly overlooked storage spaces. Command hooks make it easy to hang purses and hats, a shoe organizer can keep all your footwear in one space, and an over-the-door rack gives you multiple containers to place your go-to items.

Upgrade your hangers

One of the most impactful and cost-effective solutions to maximizing space in a closet is replacing your mismatching hangers with a matching slim velvet set. Velvet hangers take up a fraction of the width that a bulky wood hanger takes, which means you can fit more items in your closet. Your closet will also look neater, more organized, and more cohesive.

Invest in closet solutions

In addition to shelves, over-the-door racks, and velvet hangers, countless additional closet solutions can help you maximize your limited closet space. The Container Store and Amazon offer items like drawer organizers, jewelry trays, and bins to keep all your belongings in their designated space.

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