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These Dog Pools Are Great For Summertime Play

These Dog Pools Are Great For Summertime Play

Woof! It can get hot out here in Arizona during the summertime, especially for our four-legged friends.

But local company One Dog One Bone is helping Valley pups stay cool, one splash at a time.

The company makes bone and paw shaped pools designed especially with dogs in mind. They are made from high molecular weight polyethylene, the same material used to line truck beds.

The material is virtually chew-proof, meaning no more pieces of plastic tossed around the yard after Pooch and plastic pool have a showdown.

The pools also tend to run 10 degrees cooler than your plastic kiddie pool you find at Toys R Us and Walmart. That means less time spent emptying out the pool to change out the 90 degree water after a day in the sun.

Speaking of emptying out the pool, how annoying is it to have to pick up that heavy sucker to dump the water out?

With One Dog One Bone’s pools, all you have to do is unscrew the nozzle on the bottom-side of the pool and the water drains out for you, no heavy lifting required.

The pools come in two different sizes to accommodate large and small breeds, and even have a pool deck that can be purchased which is pre-cut to the pool you buy.

The pool simply sets into the deck and viola! Your pup has their very own pool and pool deck to lounge on and keep cool in during the summer months.

Prices vary depending on size and shape, but range from $169 to $399 dollars. Bundle packages are also available for multiple pool purchases.

Currently, many of their products are popular in various pet hotels and daycares, but with summer weather like we have in Arizona, many pup owners are electing to invest in a pool to keep at home for their pup to splash in.

Now those are some spoiled pooches!


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