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‘Adulting Schools’ Teaching Younger Generations Basic Living Skills

‘Adulting Schools’ Teaching Younger Generations Basic Living Skills

Adulting is hard. Once you are out of the protection of your parents, you realize how much they took care of and did for you. And no one said adulting is easy.

In fact, many youngsters are finding they are leaving college with a degree but no basic life skills, especially since schools have done away with home economic classes long ago.

When there once was a time when school helped teach the next generation how to cook, change a tire, or write a check, now it’s either up to the parents to teach these skills or for the young adult to figure it out as they go.

The problem is many millennials are finding they are getting themselves into financial trouble because as they learn they are making some costly mistakes.

And with student debt hanging over majority’s head, understanding basic adulting is crucial for some stability in life.

That’s why Rachel Weinstein co-founded the Adulting School, a place where those who are struggling with basic life skills can learn in an environment that is safe and fun. No judgement here, because everyone is just as confused as the person next to them.

Weinstein is a psychotherapist who found that many of her younger patients all had stress in common areas such as basic financial literacy and life skills.

Because of this, she decided to start a program that helps teach people of all ages these skills to help eliminate stress and create a better functioning life, according to

Weinstein holds her classes at bars or restaurants, and even offers private classes through social media groups. The school discusses everything from how to network to how to fold sheets or boil eggs.

And one common area discussed is how to manage money and help gain financial literacy.

The school may sound silly, but it appears to be hitting a niche that has a large number of participants looking for help and guidance.

With a generation the most educated in history, it seems only fair they also are taught how to boil water and fold their linens.

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