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Simple Copywriting Tips to Help Your Business Stand Out

Simple Copywriting Tips to Help Your Business Stand Out

Marketing should be at the epicenter of any company’s business plan, and strong copywriting is an unquestionable component of its success. Like an attractive visual, engaging copy can help attract the right audience and transform consumers into customers, fans, and brand advocates.  

You don’t have to be a professional writer to create stellar content. Below are six simple copywriting tips to help your business stand out.

Understand your target audience

Publishing content without an ideal customer in mind is like whispering your elevator pitch in a loud and crowded room. Sure, one or two people nearby might hear you, but you’re missing out on building meaningful connections with those that matter. Take the time to identify your target audience and write copy geared towards them.

Pinpoint your brand’s personality

Once you’ve identified your target audience, it’s time to work on establishing your brand’s personality and tone of voice. Does your brand embody and playful and free-spirited personality or is it more serious and professional? These traits are key when drafting copy that compels and drives action.

Keep it simple

Business owners are often experts in their field, which makes them incredibly knowledgeable and qualified. However, these strengths are often weaknesses when it comes to copywriting for the business. That’s because that high level of knowledge, when not digested, doesn’t resonate with the average consumer. When in doubt, write at a third-grade level.

Break up long text

Short paragraphs make content more inviting and easier to read. While you might think that cramming all relevant information into one long paragraph makes sense, you’re more likely to overwhelm and deter your reader.

Create strong headlines

And by strong, I mean short. Get to the point. Make it clear. Above all else, make it relevant. A headline should never be clickbait. Put yourself in the consumer’s shoes. Which headlines do you usually react to? Some of the best ones do an excellent job of addressing the benefit, making it a no-brainer for the reader.

Add a call-to-action

So you drafted great content. Now what? Awesome content is useless if it doesn’t encourage your audience to take action. Whether you want the reader to subscribe, schedule a call, or purchase a product, you have to make that clear in your copy. Leave the guesswork out of it.

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