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7 Fun Activities to Celebrate Earth Day with Your Family

7 Fun Activities to Celebrate Earth Day with Your Family

Earth Day is an annual event celebrated on April 22, a day to raise awareness about the importance of protecting the environment. More than one billion individuals celebrate Earth Day every year, raising their voices and promoting positive change that can lead to a healthier and thriving planet.

Earth Day is a great opportunity to teach young children about the importance of sustainability practices and living environmentally friendly lifestyles. Below are seven fun activities to celebrate Earth Day with your family.

Go on a hike

Hiking is a great opportunity to get outdoors, enjoy the fresh weather, and get physically active. Of course, your options for walkable trails can vary depending on where you live, for us Arizonans, there is no shortage of amazing trails to choose from. If a hike isn’t an option for your family, consider a walk around a park, a beach or lake, or a bike ride around your neighborhood.

Neighborhood clean up

Speaking of neighborhoods, there’s no better excuse to show your community and environment some love than by participating in a neighborhood clean-up. All you need are some large trash bags, a reacher tool for each family member, and a general idea of the areas you’d like to focus on. This activity is a great one to involve the rest of your neighbors in as well.

Start a garden

There are many benefits to starting a garden, especially for young minds. Gardening can help kids learn responsibility and patience while introducing them to healthy and sustainable eating. Starting a garden doesn’t require a big commitment. Start small and grow as you go.

Plant a tree

We all know that trees improve air quality by producing oxygen, but did you know that a single tree can absorb nearly 10 pounds of polluted air each year? This Earth Day, commit to planting a tree and improving the air you breathe. You can also support organizations like the Canopy Project, which focuses on planting trees around the globe. As little as $1 plants a tree.

Learn to compost

If you’re serious about your new garden, then learning to compost is the next step to a successful and sustainable garden. Making your own compost bin is easier than you may think. There are countless step-by-step tutorials to help you get started.

Enjoy a picnic

Getting outdoors and enjoying a family picnic is a great activity to enjoy on Earth Day. Not only is it a fun opportunity to enjoy nature with your loved ones, but it’s also the perfect excuse to enjoy some healthy food options while you get some free vitamin D.  

Host a yard sale

If you’re looking for a way to practice sustainable habits while spending time with family and making some money, hosting a yard sale is the way to go. Get your family involved in a deep spring-cleaning day and set aside all the items you no longer want or use. Make some fun signage and enjoy being a family business for a day.

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