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Easy Ways to Declutter Your Home Office Space

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Easy Ways to Declutter Your Home Office Space

If you’re one of the millions of Americans now working remotely and using a spare bedroom as your office, you’ve likely experienced your fair share of messes, clutter, and unorganized spaces during your workweek. For many, it can be difficult to blend work and home life, finding it tricky to keep things neat, organized, and decluttered in the home office space.

Working from home is likely the new normal for many professionals across the country. Keeping that space neat and organized can help you boost creativity and productivity to ensure you perform at your best. Below are easy ways to declutter your home office space.

Remove everything

One of the key tips when cleaning and decluttering is removing everything from the space. If you’re focusing on your desk, then ensuring everything is off of it is essential. Yes, this includes desktops and cleared-out drawers. Once everything is removed, this is a great opportunity to dust and disinfect all surfaces you’re constantly touching.

Go through each item

Going through each item individually can help ensure you’re not keeping things you don’t need. Start with items you’re sure you need, like your laptop, charging cables, calendar, etc. Then, move on to items that aren’t so obvious, like stationery items, old notebooks, and paperwork. Creating three piles (keep, toss, and maybe) will make the process easier and less scary.

Purge non-essentials

It can be hard to get rid of things that we think we might be able to use in the future. Avoid keeping these non-essentials by asking yourself when was the last time you used them. If you haven’t used something in the last six months, likely, you won’t use it in the future either. Feel free to donate anything you’re not using but some else might be able to.

Digitize documents

If your work-from-home space is drowning in paperwork, it might be time to re-evaluate your organizing strategy. If keeping the physical copies isn’t essential for your records, consider scanning the documents and keeping digital copies instead. This eliminated paper clutter on your desk and makes it easier to organize things in the future.

Try minimalism

When it comes to office spaces, oftentimes, less is more. While you might want to buy every stationary item and frame every family picture in your files, simplicity is key when it comes to work-from-home spaces. It allows you to keep your space organized with minimal effort, allowing you to spend your time and energy on the things that matter most.

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