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Five Tips to Clear the Clutter and Get Organized

Cheerful loving couple standing near unpacked boxes. Look at each other. Man holding box with clothes.

Five Tips to Clear the Clutter and Get Organized

Spring may be behind us, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be purging our homes of unused and unnecessary clutter. There’s never a bad time to clean and organize. For me, an organized space gives me the peace and energy to tackle anything ahead. Not only is it appealing to the eye, but it sets the standard for our daily lives. Clearing physical clutter can lead to clearing the mental clutter that may be holding you back.

Depending on how long it’s been since you last cleaned that junk drawer, your walk-in pantry, or your garage, decluttering can seem like a daunting process. Fortunately, there are some things you can do to help you breeze through the process. Below are five tips to clear the clutter and get organized.

Create a plan

Being intentional about your cleaning strategy is essential when you’re a busy person. Whether you’re tackling multiple rooms in one day or focusing on one task for 30 minutes, creating a plan can ensure you complete the task. I like to map out my day and start with my high-priority items first. That way, anything after that task can feel like an extra win. Block out some time in your schedule to ensure you don’t skip it.

Take everything out

When it comes to deep cleaning, getting everything out and in your view is key to a successful decluttering session. Yes, that means digging in the back of the cabinet for those easy-to-miss items that you should probably get rid of. By taking everything out of each designated space, you have the opportunity to go through each item and decide what stays and what goes.

Create two piles

Depending on how much clutter you have, going through and reorganizing everything can seem like a daunting process. One of my biggest tips when going through your belongings is to make two piles (keep and toss). This way, when you’re done going through all your items, you can easily distinguish what is staying and what is going.

Reduce visual clutter

If your home is still looking cluttered even after spending time reorganizing and purging, it might be time to reduce visual clutter. This can be those items hung on your wall, sitting on your cabinet, or simply taking space in your home. Whether it’s a nightstand you don’t use, or a couch that’s too big for your living room, small changes can make a big difference.

Keep an ongoing donation box

One of the best ways to keep your organized space looking that way is to continually keep it clean and clutter-free. An easy way to do this is by keeping a designated space for donations. A simple cardboard box will do the trick. This will allow you to remove items as needed and do a single trip to the thrift store when it’s time to unload.

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