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Why More People Are Choosing To Stay Single

Why More People Are Choosing To Stay Single

Being single in your 20s and 30s is on the rise. Between 1970 and 2010 those who are choosing the single life has increased to 44 percent, according to Psychology Today.

Some of this might have to do with the fact that young adults are waiting to get married and don’t feel such a stigma around being single at 22 years old.

Gone are the days when women went to college to get their Mrs. degree because if they weren’t married with four children by 23 they were deemed a pariah.

But there are other reasons as to why young adults are choosing to stay single over getting married and starting a family. For one, the societal pressure isn’t as bad as it once was.

Although parents might be wondering when they will get grandchildren, the rest of the world has no issues with a woman being single at 30.

Women are also making more strides when it comes to the workforce, starting their own companies and running them as CEOs. Women are choosing to forge their careers after college.

But staying single could also have to do with the fact that socializing and meeting people isn’t what it use to be. Today, people are communicating through devices with short hand texts and little face to face contact.

Everything is done online, including dating. Now you can simply sign up for a dating site and create a profile while you wait for Mr. Right.

But don’t forget while you wait for your knight in shining armor, there are a bunch of dudes fishing for better matches because there’s always plenty of fish in the sea.

There are truly a bunch of reasons as to why young adults are picking the single life, and it could be a combination of everything mentioned above.

Between the dying out of social stigmas around being single, to the difficulties in navigating a new socialization method with online-only interactions, it’s hard to want to leave the single life behind when it sometimes is just less stressful.

Just sayin’.


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