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New Year New Style – Effortless Steps to Clean Out Your Closet

Woman holding Clothes with Donate Box In her room, Donation Concept.

New Year New Style – Effortless Steps to Clean Out Your Closet

There’s a certain magic that comes along with the New Year every year. A sense of new beginnings and opportunities that make us want to be the best versions of ourselves. We set goals, intentions, and shoot for the stars. To make room for the new, we have to get rid of some of the old. If you’re ready to show up as the best version of yourself this new year, it’s time to start with the basics and clean out your closet.

Our style says so much about us. It’s a way of stating how we feel without saying a word. For me, style is my way of preparing for the day ahead and showing up as the best version of myself. If upgrading your style made it onto your list of New Year’s resolutions, you’re in for a treat. Below are my top tips and effortless steps to clean out your closet in time for the new year.

Get inspired

There’s power in setting a goal or an intention before starting a project. Understanding what you want to get out of it will make the evaluation process so much more effective in the end. Before you step foot in your closet, start by getting inspired. I love scrolling through outfits on Pinterest to get a feel for what I want out of this project. Screenshot some of your favorites and use them as a compass while you choose what to keep and what to ditch.

Try the Marie Kondo method

Even before I ever heard of Marie Kondo or binge-watched her hit show on Netflix, I was always a big believer in taking out everything from the space and evaluating each piece one at a time. When it comes to cleaning out your closet, this step is essential, because you’ll never fully do a deep clean if you’re sifting through the hangers. Take all your items out, including the hangers, and ask yourself how you feel about that specific piece. Start a love, maybe, and ditch pile to keep you organized throughout the process.

Build some outfits

Once you’ve gone through each piece and have decided on the items to keep, this is where you put those items to the test. Using Pinterest, create some outfits you’d be excited to wear. This won’t just help you see the potential in those items, but it will also force you to try on those pieces. A final deciding factor when debating whether to keep an item or not.

Start a wish list

As you get inspired, go through your closet, and get rid of items, you’ll likely see gaps that need to be filled to achieve your dream style. Start a wish list of items you’d love to purchase and keep it handy whenever that shopping day comes.

Organize what’s left

It’s hard to get the most of your closet if you don’t know what you have. That’s why keeping it organized is essential to style success. Whether you choose to organize by color, style, or both like me, organizing your clothes will help you see what you have and what you’re missing. Getting you one step closer to building the wardrobe of your dreams.

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