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Three Products that Help Me Get the Best Night’s Sleep

Three Products that Help Me Get the Best Night’s Sleep

As I get older, one of the things I value most in life is a good night’s sleep. I’m not sure if it’s the added stress of work, growing responsibilities as a mom, or my quarter-life crisis, that likes to keep me up at night, but my insomnia is a problem. Like many things in life, you take it for granted until it’s taken away from you. That was sleep for me.

Today, I’ll do anything and everything to ensure my mind and body are rested for the day ahead. I’ll buy the wear gadget, wear the weird thing, and listen to the calming sounds if it means I’ll fall asleep and stay asleep. Below are the top three products that help me get the best night’s sleep.

Weighted blanket

I don’t always jump on lifestyle trend bandwagons, but when it comes to a product promoting a good night’s sleep, I might just give it a try. This was the case with my weighted blanket. You’ve probably heard all about them online. They’re exactly what the name entails. They’re heavy blankets that weigh about 10 percent of your body weight. The idea is that the added pressure helps keep you calm and comfortable while you sleep.

After much deliberation, I finally purchased my weighted blanked a few months ago and have no regrets. I sleep with it every single night and have noticed a great improvement in my sleep. It allows me to fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. Exactly what I look for in a sleep product.


Nothing helps me fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer than a single serving of liquid melatonin. While it’s not ideal or recommended for long term use, it’s a great product to create a new sleep routine. It’s my go-to product when I’m trying to establish, or, in most cases, re-establish a sleep routine fit for my lifestyle and needs.

This is one of those products I’ll probably always keep handy in my medicine cabinet as a go-to when I’m dealing with insomnia. For me, it’s been fail-proof, and I’m so glad I’ve discovered it.

Aromatherapy lotion

If you’re a fan of aromatherapy, then this sleep product might be for you. I recently purchased an aromatherapy sleep lotion and, so far, I love the benefits. The body lotion is filled with bergamot oil, which helps calm the mind and body, and chamomile oil, which creates a sense of well-being. It’s been a great addition to my nighttime routine.

I also love the added benefit of moisturizing at night. A great way to lock in moisture and promote healthy skin while I sleep. Combined with my other favorite sleeping products, this lotion is a great product to promote a good night’s sleep.

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