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Simple Ways to Find Inspiration When You’re Stuck in a Rut

Self-employed designer or stylist concentrating on work

Simple Ways to Find Inspiration When You’re Stuck in a Rut

As a creative, I’ve experienced my fair share of ruts. You know, that crabby feeling of not feeling motivated, inspired, or enthused to work on the next best thing. Sometimes ruts can come in a form of writing blocks, lack of productivity, or simply not being in the mood to do any work. I’ve been there more times than I care to admit, but I’ve also gotten out of them every single time.

Being stuck in a rut is nothing to be ashamed of. We’ve all been there. Some of us more than others. The good news is that getting out of one is easier than you may think. Below are four simple ways to find inspiration when you’re stuck in a rut.


Check-in with a mentor

If you’re fortunate enough to have a mentor you can reach out to in times of need, this is a great opportunity to talk things out and get some outside counsel. Many times, our mentors have already been through what you’re going through, so leveraging this relationship is a great starting point when you’re feeling uninspired.

If you don’t have a mentor, consider looking into building a relationship with someone you trust and admire. This can be a coworker, a previous teacher, or someone you met at a networking event.

Browse through magazines

If you’re a magazine reader or browser like me, I highly recommend flipping through the pages of your favorite magazine whenever you’re feeling stuck. I love magazines because they’re filled with short and easy reads that are oftentimes fun and inspirational. Whether it’s a fashion magazine filled with the latest style trends or a business magazine with quick and simple tips to grow your side hustle, browsing through a magazine can quickly get you in the mood to do good work.

Make a vision board

One of the main reasons why I bought a magazine subscription in the first place was to create vision boards. I’m a huge fan of getting inspiration and making it easy to keep those pieces within sight. Vision boards help keep me enthused and focused on my goals. Whether it’s a new car I’ve been eyeing, a trip I’ve been meaning to take, or a style I’ve been aiming for, vision boards allow me to take ideas out of my head and onto a physical item. It’s a great way to get out of a rut.

Go for a walk

It’s sage to say too many of us don’t get outdoors as much as we should, and it’s unfortunate, because stepping outside for even five minutes can help us boost our focus and productivity throughout the day. Whenever you’re feeling down and uninspired, I challenge you to get outside and go for a walk if you can. You’ll find that it’s one of the easiest and most efficient ways to get back on track.

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