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The Best Money Advice for Broke Millennials

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The Best Money Advice for Broke Millennials

I was listening to a podcast recently on money habits and creating a bigger income. I’ve been open about my money problems in the past, and I’ve learned that the only way to continue growing is by turning my bad habits into good ones.

Portrait of unhappy stressed beautiful person looking in open wallet with shocked expression while holding color shopping bags at mall entrance. Young model spent too much money during shopping time

Millennials have a bad reputation when it comes to their spending habits, and it’s time for a change.

As a millennial, young mom, and entrepreneur, I understand that money plays a big role in my life. So, while most millennials choose to ignore their bank accounts and financial situations, I’m a firm believer that you have to face your fears to conquer them.

With today’s modern advertising power, it’s inevitable to be sold to. We’re constantly being sold the latest styles, trends, upgrades, and designs. While it’s easy to blame others for our money problems, it’s time to acknowledge that the only one responsible is you. It’s time to take charge of your finances and build wealth.

The solution? Live below your means.

This simple habit allowed me to make the shift from my corporate job to entrepreneurship without hesitation. By living below our means, my husband and I were able to budget and live a comfortable life with just his steady income.

Although the goal is to increase our cumulative income and wealth over time, we wanted to prove to ourselves that living with just one income was possible.

This means that if you make $2000 per month, you shouldn’t be spending that entire amount. If you’re living paycheck to paycheck and breaking event every single month, you’re broke. Being broke has nothing to do with how much money you make, but instead, how you choose to spend it.

Living below your means is a lot easier than most people think. Take some time to think about all the unnecessary expenses you make monthly. Are there charges you can avoid by canceling a membership, downgrading, or getting rid of the expense all together?

You’ll quickly learn that those expenses weren’t adding value to your life anyway. As you start cutting back and only spending your hard-earned money on true priorities, you’ll realize how little you need to get by.

Remember that to build a chain of good habits, you need to start with one habit a time. By making strong small habits, you’ll be on your way to living a financially free life.

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