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Simple Makeup Tricks to Look Refreshed on Zoom

Beautiful woman using mascara in bathroom

Simple Makeup Tricks to Look Refreshed on Zoom

For over a year now, Zoom and virtual meetings have taken over our lives. Many professionals continue working from home and are constantly jumping from one virtual meeting to the next. Between a busy life and busy schedules, taking the time to get ready is not always on everyone’s agenda.

Fortunately, you don’t have to spend a lot of time grooming to look refreshed on a video call. A 5-minute makeup routine you wished you tried a year ago. Below are simple makeup tricks to look refreshed on Zoom.

Apply moisturizer

It’s amazing what a little bit of moisturizer can do for you. It gives you an instant dewy look that translates well on camera. Regardless of whether you have a video call scheduled or not, never skip the moisturizer. Your future self (and skin) will thank you for it.  

Add concealer

If you’re looking for a simple way to brighten your skin and get rid of your dark circles, a good concealer can help you achieve the look. Even if you’re skipping foundation for the day, blended concealer can help even out your skin tone without the time investment of applying foundation every day.

Swipe some mascara

Giving your eyelashes a little bit of love can completely change your look on and off the camera. A little bit of mascara can go a long way, helping your eyes pop and look refreshed. You don’t have to break the bank on luxury mascara, some of the best in the market can be found at a drug store.

Add blush

Blush can help add color and dimension to your face, highlighting your cheekbones for a simple, yet very feminine look. A little bit of blush can go a long way to help you look alive during video calls.

Apply lipstick

A little bit of lip color can help you finish off the look. It’s one of the easiest ways to look put together without putting too much time or effort into your makeup routine. Whether it’s a gloss, lipstick, or lip stain, lipstick can be a gamechanger for your look.      

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