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How to Use Downtime to Reconnect with Your Passion

Young woman sitting on the floor and painting on canvas

How to Use Downtime to Reconnect with Your Passion

As we navigate our new normal through these unprecedented times, I’m constantly thinking about how I can walk away more enlightened from this situation. As a work-from-home mom whose routines have been turned upside down, reconnecting with my passion has been essential to my mood, well-being, and productivity.

Here are five ways you can use your downtime to reconnect with your passion.

Write things down

There are countless benefits to journaling your thoughts and feelings. If you’ve been considering taking on journaling, there’s no better time than now. Not only do we have some extra time on our hands, but the slow pace of the world helps too.

Get creative

As we grow up, we tend to stop doing all the things that once brought us joy. We stop playing outside, we stop taking risks, and many times, we stop being our creative selves. If you’ve become disconnected from your passion, a creative outlet can often help lead you back to it. Whether you like to paint, dance, sing, or sew, do something that you genuinely enjoy doing. Don’t judge yourself.

Take a course

If you’ve been wanting to expand your skills but often don’t have the time to go back to school, taking a course can be an easy way to ease back into education. Personally, I love online courses. You can usually go at your own pace and review topics that didn’t stick the first time. I notice that when I take a course, I’m often reconnected with my passion. It’s a great way to align your skills with your hobbies.

Schedule time

Reconnecting with your passion doesn’t happen by accident. If you’re hoping to reconnect with your passion during downtime, you have to be intentional about it. One of the easiest ways to do this is to schedule time. Time block 30-60 minutes every day to do something that gets you one step closer to your passion. For me, mornings are best because that’s when I have the most creative energy, which can often come in handy when looking for clarity.

Do it daily

Like with every other good thing in life, consistency is key. Consistently working towards reconnecting with your passion will eventually lead you to success. So, no matter what exercise you choose to practice, do it every single day. Eventually, you’ll reconnect with your passion and do what you love to do.

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