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Quarter-Life Crisis is a Thing – Here’s How to Deal with It

Lonely young latina woman sitting on bed. Depressed hispanic girl at home, looking away with sad expression.

Quarter-Life Crisis is a Thing – Here’s How to Deal with It

Step aside mid-life crisis, you’ve got company. A quarter-life crisis is known to involve anxiety over the direction and quality of one’s life. Similar to a mid-life crisis, a quarter-life crisis can be paralyzing, defeating, and even depressing to some.

If you or someone you know are currently dealing with a quarter-life crisis, you’re not alone. Luckily, there are numerous ways to deal with it. Below are easy tips to deal with a quarter life crisis.

Acknowledge your feelings

Vulnerability isn’t easy. Putting yourself out there and risking being judged, criticized, or humiliated can be terrifying. However, there are many benefits to letting your feelings out. Bottling up feelings and emotions never worked to anyone’s benefits, so it’s important to let it out.

Who you are vulnerable with is very important. Whether it’s your partner, friend, or therapist, pick someone that you trust and feel comfortable with.

Stop comparing yourself to others

With social media playing such a big role in our everyday lives, it’s easy to get lost in others’ successes. We’re quick to jump to conclusions and assumptions about others’ lives and forget about how far we’ve come in our own.

Remember that everyone’s path is different, and no one’s definition of success is identical. Give yourself credit for what you’ve done and how far you’ve come.

Build a Tribe

As an introvert, I’ve never really had a good group of friends. Sure, there’s been co-workers, classmates, and peers that came and went with time, but never a concrete tribe that was there through thick and thin. As I’ve reached my mid-twenties, I’ve realized how important that core group was to my overall well-being.

Throughout the last few months, I’ve made an effort to connect with like-minded women in my age group and it’s been incredible. Whether it’s two people or 1o, make sure there’s a tribe to back you up when you need it.

Journal your feelings

Similar to acknowledging your feelings, putting your feelings on paper can work wonders. We keep so many emotions stored in our head and that can lead to overwhelm, stress, and even depression. By journaling, you get those emotions out of your head and onto something physical that you can revisit later.

Keep a journal nearby for regular check-ins. Early morning journaling has been proven to help individuals get clarity and live more intentional lives.

Embrace the Pivot

As humans, we’re terrified of change. Whether it’s a new job, a new relationship, or a move across the country, we typically avoid making radical changes. Change can be scary and intimidating, but especially in our twenties, it should be embraced.

Allow yourself to accept change as you see fit. Pivoting can help you find your passion and even your life’s purpose. Keep in mind that the only opinion that really matters is your own, so be sure to check in with yourself regularly to ensure those changes are fulfilling your needs.

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