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Simple Ways to Restore the Confidence You Lost During the Pandemic

Happy excited business woman celebrating success while sitting at her workplace with hands raised

Simple Ways to Restore the Confidence You Lost During the Pandemic

2020 was a difficult year for most of us. We lost every sense of normalcy we knew, and life drastically changed in what seemed like a second. Life as we knew it was no longer, and we had to learn to adapt and adjust to a new normal. For many of us, that meant having to relearn how to show up in the world.

If the pandemic impacted your confidence and self-esteem, you’re not alone. Below are five simple ways to restore the confidence you lost during the pandemic.

Get out of your comfort zone

Many of us have spent the last year stuck in our homes. We’ve adapted to learning, working, and functioning in what has become our comfort zones. For over a year, we haven’t had to network, speak in front of crowds, or have one-on-one in-person meetings. With things returning to some sort of normal, it might be time to consider your re-entrance into the world, including doing the things that make you most uncomfortable.

Create routines

I don’t know about you, but I live and breathe by my routines. When I don’t follow some sort of routine, I find myself getting irritated, frustrated, and my confidence takes a hit. If you’re looking to restore your confidence, consider creating routines that can boost it. Workouts, healthy habits, and easy-to-follow routines can have a big impact on your confidence.

Dress for success

One of the first things to go out the window during the pandemic was professional attire. Loungewear became the new normal, and for good reason. We didn’t have anywhere to go. I’m a big advocate for dressing for success. I think there’s a lot of power in the clothes we choose to wear. Try getting back into your “fancy” wardrobe items and get an instant confidence boost.

Prioritize self-care

When was the last time did something for yourself? Whether it’s a massage, a manicure, or some alone time to read a book, self-care looks different for all of us. The key to self-care is to take the time to do what you need. Sometimes, it’s simply getting the time to reevaluate and acknowledge your feelings. The confidence will follow.

Get connected

Going a year without connecting with others is a long time, and it can take a toll on your confidence. Whenever you’re ready (and it’s safe to do so), plan a few dates with your favorite people. Start small, like coffee dates or short catch-up meetings. Human connection is a great way to overcome isolation and boost your confidence.

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