Early Voting is More Important Than Ever, Here’s How to Do It

2020 has been full of surprises. It’s brought a lot of changes, disruptions, and unforeseen troubles to our lives. As if the year couldn’t get any more interesting, it also happens to be a United States presidential election year. This year, Election Day is Tuesday, November 3, 2020. With it only a few weeks away, it’s important to remind ourselves and others of the importance to vote.

Exercising your right to vote is more important than ever. It’s your opportunity to speak up and have your voice heard. This Election Day, voting early can be just as important Below are four tips to voting early, and how you can ensure your vote is counted.

Register to vote/double-check your status

If you’re not registered to vote, you still have time. Head to vote.org and check your state’s guidelines. You can register online, by mail, or in-person. Make sure to opt into early voting. You’ll receive a ballot by mail before every election. Once you register, you can check your status online by visiting your state’s election department’s website. The entire process takes little effort from you and can make a big impact in your community.

Familiarize yourself with state guidelines

With so much information out there, especially that shared by national news outlets, it can be easy to get overwhelmed. Fortunately, you can get all the voter information you need from your state and county. While some states, like Arizona, offer early voting as early as 27 days before the election, other states, like Alabama, don’t offer early voting at all. Make sure to contact your state’s elections department to get all your questions answered before Election Day arrives.

Decide which option is best for you

If the thought of standing in line for hours during a pandemic frightens you, then consider voting by mail if your state allows it. During these troubling times, finding new ways to do essential tasks is key. So, learn about your options and do what’s best for you and your well-being. The important thing here is to use your voice and make your vote count.

Schedule time/don’t procrastinate  

When I learned about early voting years ago, I quickly jumped on the opportunity. I have the option to vote without having to stand in line? Count me in. There was only one problem. I always procrastinated. I would put off completing my ballot until Election Day. Which meant I had to quickly get it done, rush to my nearest polls, and drop it off. This year, I challenge you (and me) to schedule time to get it done early. It always takes less time than you anticipate. By doing so, you’re ensuring your voice is heard. So, it’s time to stop procrastinating and start acting.