Five Ways to Be a More Patient Parent

I’ll be the first to admit that patience is not my strongest virtue. The invaluable skill has been even harder to master as a young mom trying to balance family, business, and life. As a mom, I’ve learned that every day is a new adventure. A new learning opportunity waiting to happen.

Exhausted mother with little child

Patience is one of the most important skills a parent needs in their toolbox. If you’re looking to increase your tolerance or lower your anxiety through patience, know it can be achieved. Below are five ways to be a more patient parent.

Take time for yourself

One of the initial signs of lack of patience comes when I ignore self-care. Whether it’s a morning workout, meditation, or some time away from responsibilities, taking time for myself is crucial. By taking the time to invest in your happiness, you’ll find yourself to have a lot more to give. I mean, you can’t give it your all on an empty tank, after all.

Ask for help

Asking for help is something I work on daily. I wish it came as easily as taking on too many responsibilities or trying to do everything on my own. While I consider myself an independent person, I’ve also come to realize the importance of asking for help when you need it, especially as a parent.

Slow down

Mother and daughter enjoying on the bed, holding a heart

What were you doing the last time you lost your patience in front of your kids? For me, it’s always a million things. Juggling motherhood, entrepreneurship, and dozens of other responsibilities can sometimes be a little overwhelming. Whenever I find myself losing my patience repeatedly, I find a way to slow down. Whether it’s taking on fewer tasks, or canceling the afternoon call, slowing down can work wonders for your patience.

Be an active listener

When was the last time you stopped long enough to listen to what your child was trying to tell you? While the constant questions, nagging, and endless chaos can take its toll on a parent’s patience, it can usually be solved with simply listening. Take some time each day to slow down long enough to actively listen to your child. Sometimes it’s all they want from you.

Change your perspective

We’ve all heard the saying ‘put yourself in their shoes’. The popular quote is simply a strategy for empathy intended to comprehend what the other person is feeling. While we’re taught from a young age to do that with our peers, I don’t think we practice that enough as parents. Next time you’re losing your patience with your children, put yourself in their tiny shoes and get a better understanding of their needs and desires.